I went for three days business trip to London. It was really nice, sunny and quite warm weather, but I relished that only during the evenings because I spent whole days inside talking on exhibition. I have never gone by London underground before, so I was little bit curious about it. I started at Euston with the aim to go to the Excel exhibition centre, thus I spent under ground almost one hour. Considering the underground in New York, the London one seemed to be very tiny with small corridors and too many people, especially in Friday afternoon. I regret a bit tall people, who need to travel by round-ceiling trains under the ground daily, where the only comfortable place for them is in the middle of a wagon. The good side was that it was clean everywhere.
The Excel centre is in the outskirts of London. It is very quiet area near the river with several hotels and blocks of flats, where the rent is the same as mine but per week instead of month. The Excel centre was a busy place with several exhibitions running at the same time and plenty of fast food places. Considering that we were on NHS expo about health living I found quite funny, when all the participants went ahead for lunch to fast food stands.Tags | Categories |